Technical translations require more than specialized translators in a particular field: successful technical translation services require experts in the technical field. Succesful technical translation services requires experts in the specific field. In both cases, we only work with translators who are experienced in technical translations.
From technical brochures to scientific texts, speciality always comes first. Technical document translations are easier at Kenbil Translation as we work with a global network comprised of translators who work in their won native languages. These translators usually live in their countries and therefore play an active role in their language and culture. They live their languages and breathe in the culture their languages exist. When we are talking about technical translation, this is an important matter; they require an additional language speciality compared to general translations. For example, we only trust a translator who has an engineering degree or who has specialized in the field to translate a technical guideline.
As for the scientific text, we trust translators who has an academic history. This process provides two things: It applies both correct linguistics and correct terminology in the target language. In this field, professional conceptional meticulousness is an impoarnt necessity. For this reason, some of our translators has a history in medicine or health service sor stil work in the field. As Kenbil Translation Office, we provide professional translation service in primarily in Istanbul, to all around Turkey and the world since 1992 in 42 languages.